

Recently I had an order from my costumer of a journal cover with kokeshi motif. Kokeshi is Japanese traditional wooden toy and has a long history.
Kokeshi has really simple shape but has deep charm I realized. Thinking the kokeshi design and making it with applique and embroidery was really fun.
And this is *hanaha* kokeshi :)


*hanaha* 's Etsy is open!!!

Finally...*hanaha* 's Etsy is now open!
Please have a look :))) http://www.etsy.com/shop/hanaha

This new bag which is called "Picking strawberry" is also available on Etsy.  


*hanaha* on Etsy is coming soon

Currently  I'm preparing to open my Etsy store. This small cat bag (for camera) will be there as well.
I expect that next week I can open my Etsy store :)



Recently I found this article. It made me really happy and gave me kind of motivation.

So I created *hanaha* pagein Facebook.

Furthermore I put social icons on my website.
Like this

Some of them are not really active but I'd like to update each of them in slightly different way.
My favorite one of these is Tumblr.
There you can find things which I found in Tumblr or web. I expect that I can get inspiration from them (I also put my new works there).

Now this post became only texts so I put here a pic.

This is in a forest around here.
Do you know "Geo cashing"? We tried it at the first time. It is said that a geo cash is hidden also in this forest but unfortunately we couldn't find it...  :(
Next time maybe.



This blog is *hanaha*'s blog so I don't write about my personal things so much.
That is why sometimes people think I come to Holland alone and live alone but that is not true.
The reason why I moved to Holland was ... to live with my Dutch partner and recently I married with him.

The wedding in Holland has no rules so everything needs to be decided by ourselves.  That is interesting and also a lot of work.  But that is why our wedding became a day with many handmade things :)

I didn't wear a wedding dress but this...!

My mother made this "kimono" about 15 years ago for her daughters. And my 2 sisters set my hair.
We decided to use this kimono's red as our wedding theme color and I made a invitation card with my favorite poppy flowers in this color.

The hair clip which I wear is made by The Honeycomb. I found her works on Etsy and fell in love immediately!

We had a party at Giethoorn which is known as "Venice of the Netherlands". Me in kimono got many attention from the tourists and "congratulations" in several languages.

My younger sister is a cartoonist and she made a funny comic about us.

Something which I was really looking forward to was... a wedding cake!
Dutch sweets are generally too sweet for me and I don't like them so much. So I was worried that  I can find a nice and tasty cake or not... but luckily I found Caek.nl which is managed by a young creative lady, Etty.
We orderd a wedding cake based on our invitation card and... this is it!

It has chocolate cream and apricot jam inside. Super cute and tasty! What a perfect combination :)

After we cut this cake, I changed my wear from kimono to a light dress. I decorated it with poppy flower applique and this necklace which I'm wearing is by a handmade jewelry store Widaro

with my lovely family from Japan.

They're mini gift for our guests. I made coasters with poppy applique.
I also made some party bags for this day but will show them next time.

Thank for the people, the weather and the location, it was a really fantastic day. Never better :)


Spring and Disaster

Even though such a terrible and sad things are happening in my country Japan, still here comes the spring.

My family and friends are luckily safe but it doesn't make any difference about the damage of the disaster and still many people are in a really hard situation.
What can I do for them...? Praying, donating and never forget about this disaster. It will be long  and hard to recover but I also trust my country. It is not impossible.

kayako *hanaha*