
*hanaha bag exhibition in Mildam

*hanaha* handgemaakte tassen met een persoonlijk tintje...
Expositie! at Galerie It Alde Tsjerkje
5 augustus t/m 30 september 2017
Galerie It Alde Tsjerkje
Schoterlandsweg 37
8454 KB Mildam
augustus - donderdag t/m zondag
september - vrijdag t/m zondag
Ik ben zelf aanwezig bij de opening en 2 september.


New items ... fabric bracelet!

They are the new items, embroidered fabric bracelet from *hanaha* ! Added to Etsy with the other 2 different types :)



Recently I had an order from my costumer of a journal cover with kokeshi motif. Kokeshi is Japanese traditional wooden toy and has a long history.
Kokeshi has really simple shape but has deep charm I realized. Thinking the kokeshi design and making it with applique and embroidery was really fun.
And this is *hanaha* kokeshi :)


*hanaha* 's Etsy is open!!!

Finally...*hanaha* 's Etsy is now open!
Please have a look :))) http://www.etsy.com/shop/hanaha

This new bag which is called "Picking strawberry" is also available on Etsy.  


*hanaha* on Etsy is coming soon

Currently  I'm preparing to open my Etsy store. This small cat bag (for camera) will be there as well.
I expect that next week I can open my Etsy store :)



Recently I found this article. It made me really happy and gave me kind of motivation.

So I created *hanaha* pagein Facebook.

Furthermore I put social icons on my website.
Like this

Some of them are not really active but I'd like to update each of them in slightly different way.
My favorite one of these is Tumblr.
There you can find things which I found in Tumblr or web. I expect that I can get inspiration from them (I also put my new works there).

Now this post became only texts so I put here a pic.

This is in a forest around here.
Do you know "Geo cashing"? We tried it at the first time. It is said that a geo cash is hidden also in this forest but unfortunately we couldn't find it...  :(
Next time maybe.